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fire juggler

  • 1 ♦ fire

    ♦ fire /ˈfaɪə(r)/
    1 [uc] fuoco; fiamme (pl.): to fight fire with fire, combattere il fuoco col fuoco; to light a fire, accendere un fuoco; to make a fire, accendere un fuoco ( all'aperto); to be on fire, bruciare; andare a fuoco; essere in (preda alle) fiamme; to catch fire, prendere fuoco; to set fire to st. (o to set st. on fire) dare fuoco a qc.; to start the fire, avviare (o accendere) il fuoco; to kindle a fire, accendere un fuoco; Fire!, al fuoco! al fuoco!; coal fire, fuoco di carbone
    2 incendio; fiamme (pl.): The fire destroyed three houses, l'incendio distrusse tre case; A fire broke out, è scoppiato un incendio; to put out a fire, spegnere un incendio; forest fires, incendi di boschi; fire prevention, prevenzione degli incendi; fire instructions, istruzioni in caso d'incendio
    3 [u] (fig.) fuoco; ardore; fervore; slancio; eccitazione; foga: eyes full of fire, occhi pieni di fuoco; The audience was on fire, il pubblico era eccitato; the fire of his speech, la foga del suo discorso
    4 [u] (mil.) fuoco: We were under heavy enemy fire, eravamo esposti al fuoco intenso del nemico; Open [cease] fire!, aprite [cessate] il fuoco; to hold fire, smettere di sparare; cessare il fuoco; to return fire, rispondere al fuoco
    5 stufa; stufetta: electric [gas] fire, stufa elettrica [a gas]
    6 [u] (med.) febbre; stato febbrile
    8 [u] (fig.) splendore; lucentezza; fuoco (lett.)
    fire alarm, allarme antincendio □ (relig.) fire and brimstone, il fuoco eterno □ fire and sword, ferro e fuoco; distruzione totale ( in guerra) □ fire barrier, tagliafuoco ( muro, porta, ecc.) □ (edil.) fire basket, cesto metallico (o fornello) per il fuoco all'aperto ( per i muratori) □ (zool.) fire-bird ( Icterus galbula), ittero di Baltimora □ (bot.) fire blight, malattia del luppolo □ fire brigade, (corpo dei) pompieri; vigili del fuoco □ fire clay, argilla refrattaria □ (mil.) fire control, controllo del tiro □ ( marina mil.) fire-control station, stazione di direzione del tiro □ fire-cracker, petardo; castagnola □ fire damage, danni provocati dal fuoco □ ( USA) fire department, (corpo dei) vigili del fuoco □ ( USA) fire department valve, presa antincendio □ fire door, porta antincendio □ fire drill, esercitazione antincendio □ fire-eater, mangiafuoco; (fig.) attaccabrighe □ fire engine, carro dei pompieri; autopompa; autoincendio □ fire escape, uscita di sicurezza; scala antincendio □ fire escape ladder, scala antincendio □ fire extinguisher, estintore □ (poet.) fire-eyed, dagli occhi di fuoco □ fire-fighter, fire-fighting firefighter, firefighting □ (zool.) fire-flair ( Trygon pastinaca), pastinaca comune □ fire hose, manichetta antincendio; manica per acqua □ fire hydrant, idrante □ fire insurance, assicurazione contro l'incendio □ fire irons, ferri per il caminetto ( molle, paletta, attizzatoio, ecc.) □ fire juggler, giocoliere col fuoco; mangiafuoco □ fire office, ufficio di società d'assicurazione contro gli incendi □ fire officer, ufficiale dei vigili del fuoco □ fire-pan, braciere □ (ass.) fire policy, polizza antincendio □ fire pump, pompa d'incendio □ (leg.) fire raiser, incendiario; piromane □ (leg.) fire raising, incendio doloso □ fire regulations, regolamenti antincendio □ (tecn.) fire-resistant, resistente al fuoco □ (tecn.) fire-retardant, ignifugo □ (ass.) fire risk, rischio d'incendio □ ( USA) fire screen, parafuoco □ fire service, vigili del fuoco □ fire shipfireship □ fire station, deposito di autopompe; caserma dei vigili del fuoco □ (mil.) fire-step, banchina di tiro □ fire-teazer, fochista □ fire tongs, molle per il camino □ fire walking, pirobazia; il camminare sulle braci ardenti ( come fanno i fachiri, ecc.); (stor.) prova del fuoco □ ( USA) fire warden (o fire watcher), vigile del servizio antincendi ( nelle foreste, in guerra, ecc.) □ fire-worship, adorazione del fuoco ( come divinità) □ (fig.) to be between two fires, essere (o trovarsi) tra due fuochi □ (fig.) to come under fire from sb., essere criticato aspramente da q. □ (arc.) to go through fire and water for sb., buttarsi nel fuoco (per q.) □ to hang fire, (mil.) cessare il fuoco; (fig.) tardare ad agire, indugiare, tirarla in lungo □ to lay (o to set) a fire, preparare il fuoco □ to light a fire under sb., stimolare q. all'azione; dare uno svegliarino a q. (fam.) □ (fig.) to play with fire, scherzare col fuoco □ (fig.) to pour oil on the fire, soffiare sul fuoco; fomentare discordie, ecc. ( avendo l'aria di deprecarle) □ (fig.) to set sb. on fire, infiammare q. to set st. on fire (o to set fire to st.), dar fuoco a, incendiare qc. □ (fig.) to set the Thames (o the world) on fire, fare qc. di eccezionale (o di straordinario); fare colpo □ to stir the fire, attizzare il fuoco □ to strike fire from st., far sprizzare scintille da qc.; accendere il fuoco battendo su qc. to take fire, prendere fuoco; incendiarsi; (fig.) pigliar fuoco, infiammarsi, stizzirsi □ (fig.) to take heavy fire from one's opponents, essere criticato aspramente dai propri avversari □ (prov.) There's no smoke without fire, non c'è fumo senza arrosto.
    ♦ (to) fire /ˈfaɪə(r)/
    A v. t.
    1 sparare; far esplodere (o partire); to fire a shot (at sb.), sparare (o far esplodere) un colpo (contro q.)
    2 far fuoco con: to fire a gun, far fuoco con un fucile; sparare
    3 lanciare ( un proiettile); scagliare, scoccare ( una freccia): (naut.) to fire a torpedo, lanciare un siluro
    4 porre una serie di ( domande); fare ( domande, commenti): They fired questions at me, mi hanno bersagliato di domande
    5 (fam.) licenziare: You're fired!, lei è licenziato!; the right to hire and fire, il diritto d'assumere e di licenziare
    6 (fig.) infiammare; accendere: to fire the imagination, infiammare la fantasia; to fire sb. with enthusiasm, accendere di entusiasmo q.
    7 alimentare; rifornire di combustibile: to fire a boiler, alimentare una caldaia
    8 cuocere ( nella fornace): to fire bricks, cuocere mattoni
    10 (miss.) accendere ( un razzo, ecc.)
    11 (vet.) cauterizzare
    12 (antiq.) dare fuoco a; appiccare il fuoco a; incendiare
    B v. i.
    1 far fuoco; sparare: He ordered the squad to fire, ha ordinato al plotone di sparare; to fire at sb., sparare a q.; to fire on (o upon) sb., sparare su q.; aprire il fuoco contro q.
    2 lasciar partire un colpo; sparare: The gun fired, il fucile ha lasciato partire un colpo
    3 (fig.) infiammarsi, eccitarsi
    5 (mecc.: di motore) accendersi; mettersi in moto
    to fire a broadside, (naut.) sparare una bordata; (fig.) lanciare un attacco verbale □ (mil.) to fire a salute, sparare una salva in segno di saluto □ (fam.) to be firing on all cylinders, lavorare a pieno ritmo; essere in piena forma.

    English-Italian dictionary > ♦ fire

  • 2 gather

    1. I
    1) the clouds are gathering собираются тучи; a crowd (people, guests, etc.) begin to gather начинает собираться толпа и т. д.; swallows (starlings, etc.) begin to gather начинают слетаться ласточки и т. д. || the storm gathers надвигается гроза; darkness is gathering сгущается тьма; the boil has gathered and burst нарыв созрел и прорвался
    2) dust (dirt, mud, pus, snow, etc.) gathers набирается /скапливается, собирается/ пыль и т. д.
    3) as far as I can gather насколько я могу судить
    2. II
    gather in some manner gather quickly (regularly, gradually, slowly, etc.) быстро и т. д. собираться; the family gathered together вся семья собралась вместе; gather at some time gather weekly (annually, often, seldom, etc.) собираться еженедельно /каждую неделю/ и т. д.
    3. III
    1) gather smb., smth. gather one's relatives ( one's friends, children of all ages, the club, etc.) собирать /созывать/ своих родственников и т. д.
    2) gather smth. gather shells (pebbles, stones, sticks, etc.) собирать ракушки и т. д.: gather a collection of coins (of butterflies, of stamps, etc.) собирать коллекцию монет и т. д., коллекционировать монеты и т. д.; gather information (facts about these events, stories about ancient people, material, data, impressions, knowledge, experience, etc.) накапливать /собирать/ информацию и т. д.
    3) gather smth. gather one's toys (one's papers and books, one's things, one's tools, etc.) собирать /складывать, подбирать, убирать/ свой игрушки и т. д.
    4) gather smth. gather flowers собирать /рвать/ цветы; gather fruit (blackberries, strawberries, honey, etc.) собирать плоды /фрукты/ и т. д.; gather the harvest /the crops/ снимать /собирать/ урожай; gather the grain убирать хлеб; gather a rich (poor) crop of hay накосить много (мало) сена; gather taxes (rents, debts, etc.) собирать налоги и т. д.
    5) gather smth. gather rust (dust, mud, etc.) покрываться ржавчиной и т. д.
    6) gather smth. gather speed (height, etc.) набирать /увеличивать/ скорость и т. д.; gather strength собраться с силами; gather one's thoughts /one's wits/ собраться с мыслями
    7) gather smth. gather a blouse (a skirt, sleeves, a collar, etc.) собирать в сборку /присборить/ блузку и т. д.
    4. IV
    1) gather smb., smth. in some manner gather one's friends (one's relatives, all one's things, etc.) together собирать вместе своих друзей и т. д.
    2) gather smth. in some manner gather facts (information, data, etc.) systematically (methodically, stubbornly, etc.) систематически и т. д. накапливать /набирать/ факты и т. д.; gather experience gradually постепенно приобретать опыт
    3) gather smth. in some manner gather one's things (one's toys, sticks, shells, etc.) gaily (noisily, noiselessly, carefully, etc.) весело и т. д. собирать /подбирать/ свои вещи и т. д.
    5. XIII
    gather to do smth. gather to see what had happened (to celebrate the occasion, to greet the heroes, to hear the news, etc.) собраться, чтобы посмотреть, что случилось и т. д.
    6. XVI
    1) gather around smb., smth. gather around the fire (around the table, around the platform, etc.) собираться вокруг костра и т. д.; gather around the speaker (around the teacher, around the juggler, etс.) окружить /собраться вокруг/ оратора и т.д.,gather at about (in, on, etc.) smth. gather at the scene of the accident (at /about/ the entrance, at the window, in the street, in the garden, in the fields, in the room, etc.) собираться на месте происшествия и т. д.; clouds gathered in the sky на небе собирались тучи; tears gathered in his eyes его глаза наполнились слезами; dust gathered on the table стол покрылся пылью; all his friends gathered round him все его друзья встали на его защиту; gather in smth. gather in groups (in crowds, in flocks, in herds, in packs, etc.) собираться группами и т. д.; gather about /over/ smb. clouds were gathering over him ему грозили неприятности
    2) gather from smth. that is what I gathered from his words (from her report, from these facts, etc.) вот что я заключил /вывел/ из его слов и т. д.; as far as I could gather from the introduction насколько я могу судить по введению...
    7. XXI1
    1) gather smb. at /in/ some place gather children in the garden ( a crowd in the street, people at the meeting, etc.) собрать детей в саду и т. д.; gather smb. around smb., smth. gather children around the teacher (a small group of curious passers-by around the platform, many staunch friends around him, etc.) собрать детей вокруг учителя и т. д.
    2) gather smth. for smth., smb. gather sticks for a fire (stamps for one's collection, facts for one's report, etc.) набирать /собирать/ сучья для костра и т. д.; please gather some flowers for me пожалуйста, нарвите мне цветов; gather smth. from smth. gather facts from various sources (information from the papers, etc.) собирать /набирать/ факты из разных источников и т. д.; gather smth. into smth. gather dry leaves (garbage, hay, etc.) into a heap /into a pile/ сгребать сухие листья и т. д. в кучу /в груду/; gather stones (pebbles, etc.) into a pile собирать камни и т. д. в кучу; gather sticks (wood) into a bundle сделать вязанку прутьев (дров); gather books into bundles упаковать книги в связки; gather grapes into baskets собирать виноград в корзины; gather cotton into bales собирать хлопок в кипы; gather smb.'s poems (smb.'s essays, smb.'s articles and stories, etc.) into one volume собрать чьи л. стихотворения и т. д. в один том
    3) gather smth. at /in/ smth. gather a blouse in the sleeves присборить рукава блузки; gather the skirt at the waist присборить юбку в талии
    4) gather smth. from smth. I could not gather much from his confused story я мало что понял из его путанного рассказа
    5) gather smth. about /around/ smb. gather one's shawl about oneself закутаться в платок; gather one's coat about /around/ oneself плотнее застегнуть пальто
    8. XXV
    gather that... I gather that you are leaving soon (that he refused to come, etc.) я слышал, что вы скоро уезжаете и т. д.
    9. XXVII2
    gather from smth. that... gather from certain facts (from the papers, from his remarks, from some hints, from her words, from their letter, etc.) that he is ill (that everything has been decided, etc.) заключать /делать вывод/ по некоторым фактам и т. д., что он болен и т. д.; I gathered from his words (from her letter. from your remarks, etc.) (that)... я сделал вывод /заключил, понял/ из его слов и т. д., [что]...; from what John said I gather that he'll be giving up his job in the summer из того, что Джон сказал, я понял, что он летом уйдет с работы
    10. XXVIII2
    gather it from smth. that... I gathered it from his words (from his answer, from your remark, etc.) that... я сделал такой вывод /такое заключение/ на основании его слов и т. д., что...

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > gather

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